Service virtualization can be an immensely effective tool for organizations seeking to improve their testing maturity. It provides a way to test faster, more seamlessly, and more comprehensively.

Consider this your go-to guide to service virtualization in testing. From understanding the basic principles of service virtualization to identifying issues that can be solved using service virtualization to comparing prominent tools — everything you need to know about service virtualization is right here. 

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What is Service Virtualization?

Service virtualization is a software testing method that simulates the behavior of systems that are constrained or altogether unavailable. A hallmark of service virtualization is that the system utilizing the service cannot tell whether or not it is the real system or a simulation.

The main priorities for software developers are development costs, release velocity, and application quality. Service virtualization addresses all three by being:

  • A relatively inexpensive option.
  • Flexible and dynamic, which allows for faster and more efficient testing.
  • A “clone” of the system needed for testing, so there is no decline in testing quality.
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Why Service Virtualization is Critical to Seamless Application Testing

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When Should You Use Service Virtualization?

There are many instances when service virtualization would benefit an overall testing strategy. One of the primary examples of an effective use of service virtualization is if the application you are developing and/or testing is dependent on some other service and that service is not available.

Other real-world examples of when to use service virtualization in testing for DevOps are:

  • Testing Dependencies — Another team you are working with may be working on a component that your testing depends on. If it is not ready when you need it, you can test against a virtual version of that component.
  • Firewalls — You may not have access to production dependencies behind a firewall until they are placed in a different testing environment. Without service virtualization, this can lead to testing trade-offs (a detriment to quality) or you will have to spend time fixing the issue (a detriment to time-to-market).
  • Volume After Load Testing — You may have to pay for each hit and volume of performed operations against a dependency of your app. However, you do not need it during load testing because it can generate a significant number of requests to the dependent service. 
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Eliminate Testing Dependencies & Bottlenecks With Service Virtualization For Mobile

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Types of Testing for Service Virtualization

The number of different types of tests available to testing teams is seemingly limitless. And with each type of test, different information and data is gathered. That means the more types of tests an application is put through, the larger amount of data is gathered and — ultimately — the better the application will be. 

Service virtualization can benefit these types of tests — such as usability testing,  contract testing and API integration testing to name a few — by bridging any testing gaps that may arise.

Additionally, service virtualization can benefit mobile testing. Service virtualization for mobile enables testers to virtualize a mobile gateway or other backend services so they can work faster and more efficiently. 

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UX Testing: Overview + Examples

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Benefits of Service Virtualization in Testing

By removing testing dependencies, you make your testing better. Service virtualization frees testing teams to proceed through the development cycle unencumbered by providing realistic, virtual stand-ins for unavailable or incomplete services.  

How does that impact your testing outcomes?

  • Increased Test Velocity — By bridging the gaps caused by testing dependencies, you inherently increase the number of tests executed within a particular time frame. Service virtualization enables more tests more often.  
  • Reduced Test Cycles & Defects — Incorporating service virtualization means reducing the amount of rework that may be caused by incomplete or unavailable services. Also, the very nature of virtual services means they are customized by you and reduce the number of defects within a system.  
  • Improved Collaboration — Input from stakeholders is encouraged when using service virtualization because it helps shape how the services created should work. Working across the team means creating your ideal test scenarios.  
  • Shift-Left Testing — When you fill in the gaps within your testing process left by bottlenecks using service virtualization, you unlock the ability to test earlier in the development cycle. Earlier testing results in few bugs to fix down the line.  
  • Resource Conservation — Waiting on services — whether they be internal or third-party — increases the time spent in a testing cycle. Conversely, service virtualization eliminates those waiting periods and saves time and, ultimately, money. 
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Moving from Legacy Service Virtualization to Agile Service Virtualization

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Service Virtualization Tools

When beginning the process of implementing service virtualization into your stack, it is important to consider the variety of service virtualization tools at your disposal. Depending on your needs and available resources, you will want to give several a closer look.

  • BlazeMeter — BlazeMeter service virtualization fully integrates into all of your tests and your favorite open source tools.
  • ReadyAPI — ReadyAPI — formerly known as SoapUI Pro, LoadUI Pro, and ServiceV Pro) is a REST and SOAP API functional testing tool that enables developers, QA, and testers to collaborate on creating virtual services.
  • WireMock — WireMock addresses dependency on unstable APIs and allows teams to develop with virtual APIs.
  • Traffic Parrot — Traffic Parrot provides API and service simulation, service virtualization and API mocking software and consulting services.
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How to Use Service Virtualization in BlazeMeter

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Try BlazeMeter

BlazeMeter was designed and built by engineers who are passionate about open source. From mobile to mainframe, IDE or UI, BlazeMeter brings teams together on a single platform with shared visibility, tests, and reports. Developers and testers can work together, using the same tool, but focus on their level of expertise.  

The best part?  

BlazeMeter provides it all: performance, functional, scriptless, API testing and monitoring, test data, and service virtualization.  

Enterprise organizations like Disney, BT, and the New York Times use BlazeMeter to prepare their applications for peak traffic events. With BlazeMeter, development teams can speed their digital transformation and shift quality left.