The Value of Automation in Improving Efficiency and Quality in Continuous TestingAutomated testing platforms speed up software delivery by empowering DevOps teams to conduct extensive performance tests on mobile apps, websites, or APIs at a massive scale. Platforms like Perforce’s BlazeMeter enable organizations to improve software quality and flexibility.The value of BlazeMeter's automated, continuous testing platform cannot be overstated. But don't just take our word for it — the research speaks for itself! GigaOM — a prominent research firm specializing in the IT industry — did a deep dive on BlazeMeter's testing platform and confirmed what we already knew: "The ROI comes from faster development cycles, improved software quality, and greater alignment with modern software development practices." And how does BlazeMeter do that? The analyst noted these features that unlock value for our partners: Fosters agile testing strategies with customizable tools. Tailors plugins for precise needs, ensuring higher standards. Open-source tools offer significant financial savings. Provides diverse training for continuous skill development. Gigaom’s report is chock full of valuable insights and takeaways about BlazeMeter. Download the report and see for yourself.