April 2020Mock Services: Bring your Own Certificate We have expanded Mock Services HTTPs support. In addition to using the SSL certificate that we provided, you can now configure your BlazeMeter agent or Kubernetes cluster to support a custom certificate for the Mock Service to use when communicating with whatever application is calling it. Mock Services: Performance Scaling Mock Services can easily be configured to support horizontal scaling to meet your performance needs. Please check out our documentation on best practices on how to configure horizontal scaling and to find other recommendations about Mock Services horizontal and vertical scalability. Moving our on-premise images from AWS S3 to Google Container RegistryOur latest version of BlazeMeter’s on-premise engine, requires access to the Google Container Registry and uses the following new addresses which should be whitelisted: Gcr.io - Test connectivity by executing: curl -v https://gcr.ioResponse: 302 / 200 HTTP codeStorage.blazemeter.com - Test connectivity by executing: curl -v https://storage.blazemeter.com/pingResponse: 200 (with a 'pong' XML) Please update any special network configurations (e.g. Proxy, Environment variables, Firewall, etc.)For any other assistance, contact BlazeMeter support and we will be happy to assist you with this update.